We Do Photo Optimization and Scheduling Different...Intelligently
Avoid Optimizing your Photos in 3rd Party Tools and then Having the Metadata Wiped Upon Uploading it to your GBP. We Pipe the EXIF Data Directly Through Google’s API to Ensure the Optimized Data is Not Lost.

Data Enriched Schedulable Photos
Automatically embed latitude, longitude, keyword and other data into your images before scheduling them to be uploaded to your GBP listing.
Use your own photos and edit your EXIF data in our interface, or pull photos from our library and inject data before uploading, all from within your Local Brand Manager dashboard.
Enable GBP autopilot now!

Read our docs on scheduling image uploads to your GBP

Start exploring EXIF data injection in your images
Schedule Data Enriched Images Now
EXIF Injected Image Benefits
It is no secret that Google determines details about media based on the metadata that accompanies it. Since eliminating the geo-tagging features from inside of the GBP dashboard a couple of years ago, we have been left with adding keywords and geo-data via third party applications and then watching it get wiped when we upload it to the GBP. Does it even help?
At Local Brand Manager we wanted to take some of the guesswork out of the process and ensure your data was being pushed directly through the API so you can rest assured your image optimization efforts are not for naught.
We offer a complete set of configurations to bolster your photos when it comes to metadata. Leave no stone unturned when adding information for Google to consider when adding your images to their cache.