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Using Photos for Google Business Profile Listings

How Important Are Photos for your GBP Listing?

Most businesses have come to realize the importance of Google Business Profile (GBP) in their quest to promote their goods and services online. GBP listing is one of the most essential tools that businesses can leverage to boost their visibility and relevance before their target audience. Companies have been able to leverage GBP management services to improve their conversion ratio, drive more customers to their physical stores and also generate more phone calls for their business. With GBP listings, business owners enjoy a better approach to balancing the requirement of being online and the management needs of their business.

The presence of GBP on mobile platforms makes the tool easier to use. Through mobile GBP management, business owners can add or remove media files and posts, respond to inquiries from their customers, and also reply to reviews, all from their smartphones. With Google Business Profiles being more accessible, business owners can leverage the power and impact of photos to beat their competition.

Adding photos to GBP listings can boost visibility and increase engagement levels from potential clients and customers. Photos have been proven to be an effective strategy, especially for businesses in the restaurant industry, real estate industry, and others. Using and optimizing photos is an underrated but powerful feature that all business owners who have claimed their GBP listing should focus on.

Using Images in Google Business Profile

Business owners and GBP managers can visit the Google Business Profile link to use images for their listing. It is recommended that business owners upload at least 5 images showing their products, team, service, or business premises/location. Each image on the GBP listing is classified into categories which include; By owner, By customer, At work, Interior, Exterior, Product, Team, and Identity. The identity category can be used for branding images like logos.

If you are a retail store owner, a good way to optimize your Google Business Profile listing and promote raking is to use some photos taken from your business location. These photos could be of your products, your team, the owner, and your store’s exterior and interior. The photos give interested customers an idea of what you offer and what they’ll see when they visit your location.

For proper optimization, you should ensure that your Google Business Profile has at least three items; A profile photo, a business logo, and a cover photo.

Are Photos Really Necessary?

Many businesses often claim not to have photos or others may be too lazy to do the footwork. However, a few photos of your business’s exterior, the staff, and the products offered will do you a lot of advantage. Consider it as an essential step on your journey to creating a brand that is easily recognized. With photos, especially logos, branding images, and others, Google gets a better idea of what your business is and this increases your chances of ranking better.

However, if you still do not have access to photos from your business or you can’t get your clients to send photos of their team and business over, an alternative is to use stock photos from the web. Stock photos can be optimized to deliver the same effective output as your original photos would.

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